Impact of thumb/dummy sucking on the teeth, the mouth, the sinuses and posture.
Where thumb/dummy sucking persists after the baby teeth have erupted, it can alter tongue position, interfere with the growth patterns of the jaw and the positioning of the primary and permanent teeth. Changes in tongue position have an impact on breathing “style”, surrounding teeth and speech development.
Where thumb/dummy sucking persists after the baby teeth have erupted, it can alter tongue position, interfere with the growth patterns of the jaw and the positioning of the primary and permanent teeth. Changes in tongue position have an impact on breathing “style”, surrounding teeth and speech development. Development of the sinuses is affected due to the high arch palates which develop and this also has an impact on the facial development and ultimate aesthetics of the individual. In addition, we look at the postural implications which follow as a consequence: chronic mouth breathers will tend to have a head tilted or pitched backwards. Any head posture where the head is not held level will have an influence on the shape, size and position of all the bones in the cranium.
We also look at the therapeutic interventions available to correct any/all of these consequences of a “simple childhood habit”.